News - page 2

5 Innovative Ideas to Keep Your Marketing Efforts Relevant

As the marketing ecosystem becomes saturated, more businesses are struggling to implement innovative marketing ideas to earn the trust of their customers. Even if your business is distinctive, now more than ever, you need to prove it to your customers. It takes due-diligence and patience…

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Driving Organic Web Traffic to Your Site

When you think about your digital marketing campaign, organic web traffic inevitably hits the top of your to-do list — for a number of solid reasons. The more you can use your organic web traffic on your blogs, and other media campaigns to naturally drive potential…

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The Power of Sharable Content

Consumers are becoming increasingly driven by shareable content. Gone are the days when TV and radio ads or billboards by the roadside were the only voices you heard. Now, shareable content is being delivered by Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter and push notifications, text messages and…

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Crowdsourcing Brand Awareness

Whether you’re a small business, corporation, non-profit, or solopreneur, your brand awareness is the most critical part of your company. Your brand identifies your product, your niche, your philosophy, and your business. Without a brand, you become faceless and unidentifiable. So what happens when you…

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Speak Up — Defining and Using Your Brand Voice for Marketing

The tone of voice in which your content is written speaks volumes. Your tone is just as important as your identity or visual elements of your brand. It’s valuable for your customers to be able to have a consistent experience across all interactions with your brand,…

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The What and Why of Content Marketing

With the surge in content marketing over the past several years, it can feel like there is always content to be considering, developing, promoting or even consuming. In fact, people now spend nearly half their days consuming content in one form or another. With such…

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Tell Me More — The Impact of Storytelling on Marketing

Today, people are so saturated with ads, videos, and more. Grabbing and keeping the attention of your audience is no easy task. In order for your marketing to captivate, you need to connect. To do this, you can try telling your customers a story —…

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Is Social Media Marketing Worth the Effort?

Social media is everywhere. Just about all of your customers are on at least one of the social media platforms. That’s why many businesses have made social media an important part of their communications and marketing strategy. The medium can be used to advertise special…

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Effective Case Studies: 4 Tips for Telling Customer Stories

Consumers today do a tremendous amount of research before making a purchase. For everything from vacation rentals to tax preparers and restaurants to bath towels, the opinions of others factor heavily in the purchasing decision. We all want to know what other people thought of…

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What is the Difference Between Marketing, Advertising and Branding?

What is the difference between the Three Stooges? Or the Three Musketeers? What about the Three Little Pigs? Or the Three Bears? Famous trios abound in our stories and pop culture, but people rarely ask what the difference is between each member of the trio….

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